31 percent lower divorce rate among couples that had counselling before marriage

Research has shown that a window of opportunity exists one year prior to marriage, and six months after marriage for couples to receive the most benefit from pre-marital counselling/education. As time passes and stress increases, couples often fall into negative patterns of relating to each other that can be difficult to break without the right skills and tools that pre-marital counselling/education can provide.

Invest In Your Relationship, Not Just Your Wedding

Couples are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on their wedding day, but many are not willing to invest in their relationship. The divorce rate in Canada stands at 38%; couples are not equipped to handle the everyday stressors of being in an intimate relationship. When the honeymoon ends, life begins! If you are considering marriage or are recently married, I encourage you to start investing in your relationship, both emotionally and financially. Pre-marital counselling is a great way to discover new things about yourself, your partner, and how you can create a loving, safe and secure relationship, even in the midst of major stressors.

Topics Covered in Pre-marital Counselling/Education

  • Communication styles
  • Family of origin
  • Conflict resolution
  • Intimacy
  • Meaning of finances
  • Expectations
  • Boundaries
  • How to create an emotional connection with your partner

Ellis Nicolson+associates have expertise in marital, couple, family and indiviudal counselling.  To book an appointment call 416-358-0290 or email ellis [at] ellisnicolson.com